The Bite-Sized Gospel with Aneel Aranha
Aneel Aranha is an author, preacher, and evangelist who has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can find a huge selection of his reflections, articles, sermons, songs and other resources on his website www.aneelaranha.com. This daily podcast brings you very short messages of hope and encouragement for these difficult times.
432 episodes
Day 48
Explore the tension between rebellion and submission, holiness and transformation as we journey through Numbers 15-18, Psalm 113, and Colossians 3, discovering how God's authority reshapes our identity and relationships.
Season 3
Episode 48

Day 47
Explore the consequences of doubt versus the power of faith as we journey through Israel's rebellion in the wilderness, David's prayer for divine help, and Paul's reminder that believers are complete in Christ through Numbers 12-14, Psalm 28, a...
Season 3
Episode 47

Day 46
Explore the Israelites' wilderness journey and Paul's magnificent vision of Christ's supremacy as we delve into Numbers 8-11 and Colossians 1, discovering how to follow God's guidance with trust while keeping our focus on Christ.
Season 3
Episode 46

Day 45
Explore the sacred spiritual disciplines of ancient Israel and timeless ethical principles for believers as we journey through the Nazirite vow, tribal offerings for the tabernacle, and practical instructions for faithful Christian living in Nu...
Season 3
Episode 45

Day 44
Explore the sacred duties of the Levites, God's standards for community purity, and the call to run life's race with perseverance as we journey through Numbers 3-5 and Hebrews 12.
Season 3
Episode 44

Day 43
Explore God's organizational principles in Numbers, David's cry for protection in Psalm 64, and the inspiring hall of faith in Hebrews 11, discovering how these ancient witnesses encourage our faith journey today.
Season 3
Episode 43

Day 42
Explore the powerful connection between God's covenant promises, righteous living, and Christ's perfect sacrifice through Leviticus 26-27, Psalm 112, and Hebrews 10.
Season 3
Episode 42

Day 41
Explore the connection between God's holiness, social justice, and Christ's perfect sacrifice through Leviticus's laws, Psalm 81's call to faithfulness, and Hebrews' revelation of Jesus' supreme priesthood.
Season 3
Episode 41

Day 40
Explore the connection between ancient priesthood and Christ's perfect ministry as we journey through Leviticus 21-23 and Hebrews 8, discovering how to live holy lives under the new covenant.
Season 3
Episode 40

Day 39
Explore God's call to holiness and discover how Christ's perfect priesthood enables holy living as we study Leviticus 19-20 and Hebrews 7.
Season 3
Episode 39

Day 38
Explore God's call to holiness through Leviticus's purity laws, find comfort in David's trust during trials, and embrace the challenge of spiritual maturity in Hebrews 6.
Season 3
Episode 38

Day 37
Journey through the Levitical laws of purification and priesthood, discovering how they point to Christ's perfect role as our High Priest and mediator.
Season 3
Episode 37

Day 36
Discover how the ancient priesthood and laws of purity point to Christ's perfect mediation and our access to God's presence through Leviticus 8-11, Psalm 110, and Hebrews 4.
Season 3
Episode 36

Day 35
Explore the intricate details of sin and guilt offerings in Leviticus 4-7, and discover how they point to Christ's perfect sacrifice as revealed in Hebrews 3, learning practical ways to maintain a faithful heart toward God.
Season 3
Episode 35

Day 34
Explore the profound connections between Old Testament sacrifices, David's confident trust, and Christ's perfect offering as we journey through Leviticus 1-3, Psalm 27, and Hebrews 2.
Season 3
Episode 34

Day 33
Explore the completion of the Tabernacle and the supreme glory of Christ as we journey through Exodus 38-40 and Hebrews 1, discovering how God's presence among His people finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus.
Season 3
Episode 33

Day 32
Explore the building of the Tabernacle, the path of integrity, and Paul's secret to contentment as we journey through Exodus 35-37, Psalm 26, and Philippians 4.
Season 3
Episode 32

Day 31
Explore the profound contrast between Israel's idolatry and Paul's passionate pursuit of Christ as we journey through Exodus 32-34 and Philippians 3, discovering the transformative power of keeping our focus on God.
Season 3
Episode 31

Day 30
Explore the beautiful symbolism of the priestly garments and tabernacle design alongside Paul's profound teaching on Christ's humility as we journey through Exodus 28-31 and Philippians 2.
Season 3
Episode 30

Day 29
Explore the detailed design of God's dwelling place, the wisdom of Moses about life's brevity, and Paul's secret to unshakeable joy through Exodus 25-27, Psalm 90, and Philippians 1.
Season 3
Episode 29

Day 28
Explore God's practical commands for daily life, the cry for divine justice, and the essential armor for spiritual warfare through Exodus 22-24, Psalm 109, and Ephesians 6.
Season 3
Episode 28

Day 27
Explore the profound moments at Mount Sinai, the beauty of God's faithful character in Psalm 33, and Paul's practical guidance for holy living in Ephesians 5.
Season 3
Episode 27

Day 26
Explore God's provision in the wilderness and Paul's vision for church unity as we journey through Exodus 16-18 and Ephesians 4, discovering how God meets our needs while calling us to mature faith and unified service.
Season 3
Episode 26